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How I Styled Myself in Animal Crossing Cosplay to Look like Flick

Style Yourself like Flick in Animal Crossing Cosplay

I put together a unique video showing you guys how I put together Animal Crossing cosplay for the character Flick. In the video below you get a close-up look at all of the items that make up my Flick costume. I go over all the information and styling of the character; hopefully making it super fun and easy to put together your own look.

As you can see from the video, there are certain aspects of this cosplay that I purchase and others that I make. First, let’s go over the items I bought for this look. I actually already own a false leather jacket with studs making this the perfect item to add to the ACNH cosplay look. The vest is a great piece for this characters look and it comes from Forever 21. Check this link for more options just like this one if you are trying to put the look together for yourself.

Next, let’s talk all about the bottoms. In the video, I describe different options of bottoms for the Flick costume look. I think this is a super great spot to put your own unique spin on the outfit. Anything from skirts, to pants and even shorts, will look good if you are representing Flick. As long as you have the right color and pattern this is the perfect place to keep your own style.

I like the leggings option for my look as it matches my personal style. Also if you also enjoy leggings or are interested in browsing other fast cheap options check amazon. That’s where I not only found my leggings but I also picked up the cute net prop from amazon.

Animal Crossing Cosplay – Styling my Flick Cosplay

I ended up making my Animal Crossing Cosplay Flick top. It was convenient for me to do so but I feel anyone could get away with purchasing their own black shirt and adding a ladybug for detail. I used my Cricut machine for the ladybug detail. If you do not have access to a Circut machine it’s always fun to customize clothes with paints, inks, or even fabric markers. Any skill level can get away with drawing this ladybug because it’s not meant to look perfect!

Other than that I complete my Flick costume with combat boots, a choker, and a fun hairdo. This is my first time attempting to style my hair like this. It was a very easy and comfortable style for someone with naturally wavy-curly hair like me. I put my hair in buns then pined it around until I got the reptile look that I was going for.

In addition, I always try to use my natural hair in cosplay looks but there are plenty of wonderful wig options out there as well that could complete this Animal crossing cosplay very well.

But if you want to see a full gallery of my Animal Crossing Flick photoshoot that I took in my own backyard check out this post.

Finally, thanks a lot, and have a lot of fun making yourself into your own version of Flick. If you put together a look after seeing this video please tag me.

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