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How to Get Your Home Summer-Ready | Spice up Your Home Style

Featured Img Get your Home Summer-Ready - Woman Selecting Paint ColorHow to get your Home Summer-Ready

Summertime is upon us and it’s time to get your home summer-ready. When the season changes it’s always the most fun to change up the look of your home. Not to mention it’s always a great excuse to get more organized. I put together a list with some of my favorite ways to reinvent your home this summer. Take a look at these fun ideas and don’t forget to share your home renovation and decoration projects with me on social media!

Get Your Home Summer-Ready With These Awesome Ideas

The Up-Rite Storage Rack

This is one of my favorite ways to get your home summer-ready. Let’s get real, organization might not be the most fun part of changing your space but it is extremely important. Having a cluttered garage is one of my least favorite things. My garage is my workspace for so many DIY projects so having space to work is so important. Up-Rite Storage Racks present a unique opportunity to clear up space with traditional plastic storage containers while lifting them off the ground.

They provide the most convenient racks to place above ground where you can securely hold plastic storage containers. Up-Rite Storage Racks help me clean up my workspace where I not only have my supplies separated and easy to grab but I have enough floor space to work on those important projects.

Funky Strokes – Outdoor Rug

Decorating outdoors is one of those things that transforms a space from average to upscale in the blink of an eye. When considering how to get your home summer-ready to consider a Funky Strokes outdoor rug to elevate your space. This makes for the perfect eye-catching piece for entertaining. But when shopping for a rug like this there is a big reason why you should consider Funky Strokes as an option.

Their rugs are eco-friendly, sustainable, and suitable for outdoor conditions. The Funky Strokes outdoor rug remains 100% waterproof. It is also resistant to mold. The rug is perfect for those potentially wet outdoor spaces like around the pool. There are different size options available to suit your specific space. They offer the cute Ice Blue Stripes style to fit in my space along with a black and white piece. Having a useful, attractive outdoor rug really enhanced my backyard. The fact that it’s made out of recycled bottles makes me feel as good about the product as it looks!

Add Color With Wallpaper

Some may say that adding wallpaper to your home is something of the past but I beg to differ. There are so many fun wallpaper options that are sleek, modern, and attractive. Using wallpaper to enhance your space is one of my favorite ways to add pops of color to a room. I typically like to add wallpaper to just one wall to add that accent piece that feels modern and stylish. I’ve used this method in bedrooms and even my nephew’s new nursery. It’s so cute, comfy, and unique. It’s really the perfect way to get your home summer-ready.

When it comes to adding wallpaper to elevate the style of the room I usually take the easy road. Simple peel-and-stick patterns make for easy installation and easy clean-up. If you ever decide to change up your space again, peel-and-stick wallpaper is easy to remove without leaving goo or residue.

Plant a Tomato / Herb Garden

Getting your home summer-ready by adding a vegetable garden is such a fun, and useful thing. It not only benefits the environment but can also add some healthy delicious options to your diet. Fun ways to add tomato and herb gardens into your home are through small planters or hanging options. Tomato’s and herbs tend to be easy to grow and useful to have around- especially if you plan on cooking, entertaining, or throwing a summer BBQ.

This adds an extra element of care to small spaces that prove useful time and time again. I absolutely love gardening. Tending to an herb garden remains one of those simple tasks that bring me back down to earth. While I do find the task of taking care of the plants extremely relaxing I also find the look of herb gardens to be beautiful and the perfect conversation piece while entertaining.

New Floor Lamp

Okay, this one seems silly but trust me, changing up the lighting in your space makes a huge difference. I have always been a sucker for not caring much about the appearance of one item in particular; lighting. I tend to decorate my space exactly how I want it than tossing in the idea of “it’s just a light” and continuing on with one of the cheapest but most convenient options on the market (you know the style I’m talking about). The bottom line is, that option never looks the best. Changing up that one element in a room not only gives the floor standing light a different appearance but it casts a different light on the rest of the room.

Adding additional light makes for an inviting feel to your space. To keep things light and bright is so “summer”.

Ikea PAX Custom Closet

I recently purchased a storage solution that has me raving. I got my home summer-ready with an Ikea PAX closet system and I’m in love. The best part about this is that pieces are interchangeable so you can make your wardrobe storage however you wish. By adding drawers where you want them, trays where you want, and other shelving the PAX closet system becomes one of the most unique storage solutions in your home.

They come in a variety of different sizes, colors, and style options to best suit your space. There are a few drawbacks to this closet/ wardrobe. While it remains attractive and so easy you do have to assemble it yourself. It is also extremely important to properly brace larger wardrobes like this on the wall to avoid any dangerous tipping.

She Shed

This is by far the priciest option to get your home summer-ready but it’s not one you will regret. Adding a She Shed to your property is a great way to section a little space for private time. I am currently in the middle of finishing a new shed on my property to act as a sewing studio. You can transform a private space like this to suit so many different needs. She Sheds even cat as perfect little pool houses.

The first step is to purchase a shed the right size for your space with a wooden frame. Next, build and properly secure it to the floor. Then finish it into the space of your dreams. You’ll find that being separated from the main house can be so relaxing. It feels like an authentically private space to just be you. It’s absolutely perfect!

If you love these ideas check out some of my other summer ideas. I have articles for summer fun as well as summer relaxation!

*some items on this list are provided by the company for an honest review.