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A Lady Gaga Oreo Outfit!? Full Photo Gallery of My Custom Costume

Lady Gaga Oreo Outfit by Heather Spears 3 pictures showing off outfit

Some of you may have seen on social media that I made a Lady Gaga Oreo outfit. I know, it’s a little out in left field but life just isn’t fun without wild ideas. This is one of those odd inspirations that I needed to act on. Inspiration comes in so many different forms and sometimes that form is a cookie.

I have a full video out on my YouTube channel describing the process of putting this outfit together. But here, you can see all of the photos from the shoot.

The outfit has a green base and a pink overskirt. The pink skirt is layers of tulle in different shades of pink. The shoes, belt, and necklace are all made from the same material. Would you believe it if I told you the material from the accessories is usually for party décor!? It’s soft, easy to work with, and not even half as heavy as regular jewelry. Plus, it photographs just as well as the heavy stuff. It’s truly not a bad idea for costume pictures like these.

Making fashion and costumes is one of my favorite things. I am so happy to have a place to share this with you. Remember, if you want to see more on how I made this piece please check out my video on YouTube.

Lady Gaga Oreo Outfit – My Look Inspired by a Cookie!

Finally, I am always out there looking for more projects. Keeping my hands busy is definitely every day, every hour, and every minute mindset. If you have any fun ideas for outfits just like this be sure and let me know what I should make next on my social media accounts! I love hearing what you think is a fun project idea.

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